As a Mom, I often find myself marveling at how quickly time passes by. It feels like just yesterday I was taking care of three small children, 18 months apart. The days were long, but now I realize the years are short. I wish I knew then what I know now…TIME FLIES! One minute you are cradling your newborns in your arms and the next you are witnessing them grow into independent individuals.
The journey of motherhood is a whirlwind of emotions, challenges, and milestones. From sleepless nights to first steps, each stage seems to transition seamlessly into the next, leaving us wondering where the time has gone. The days felt endless, especially during the exhausting early years, but when I pause and look back, it’s remarkable how fast it all passed. More often than not, I find myself thinking “how did I do it and can I PLEASE have those years back!
The milestones and memories that marked their growth and development were crucial. But, as a mother, I was so busy raising them that I probably didn’t cherish and savor those precious moments as much as I should have and now they run through my brain like a loop.
Mine is a journey of self reflection and embracing the fact that I raised three amazing adults – how did I do it? I ask myself that question often and have come to the conclusion that my love for them was and is deeper than any other love I could ever experience and I knew, with each hug they would feel this immense love that transcends all things.
I’m embracing the present now and trying to come to grips with the independent individuals I’ve raised. They have their own lives now. They will create their own traditions, carry on the values I’ve instilled in them. I may not see or talk to them as much as I would like, but when we do talk or are together my heart is complete and not fragmented like it is when we aren’t. We have a strong and loving relationship and every moment with them I CHERISH!
It is and has been an extraordinary journey filled with joy, challenges, and an abundance of love. The years seem to fly by, leaving me in awe of how quickly they’ve grown and changed. While it’s natural to feel a sense of nostalgia and longing for the past, I must also appreciate the present.
The incredible journey continues with new milestones and memories.

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